Trans World Airlines Convair 880
N815TW (c/n 22-00-20)
In 1955 Howard Hughes, in his capacity as
leader of TWA, placed an initial order with Convair
of San Diego for a
fleet of 880s for the airline. The aircraft was claimed to be
faster than both
Boeing 707 and Douglas DC-8, and several airlines ordered them. In the
event, due to a legal
hassle with
Hughes and his Hughes Tool Company, in whose name TWA's aircraft were
TWA did
not commence services with the CV-880 until early in 1961. N815TW
seen above was
leased to Northeast Airlines from 1960 to 1963 pending the outcome of
the legal battle
Howard Hughes. Despite this, TWA did fly the 880 (I always
liked them - they were far
luxuriously appointed than 707s or DC-8s) until 1974 when most of the
fleet of 30 of them